Team Member

Nanbol Loklum
Nanbol Loklum Samuel is a young man whose drive is to create new ideas and innovations to help build people that make up a world that every one can enjoy. He has a belief that everyone deserves to get an opportunity to explore the greatness in them.
He has a determination to reach out to youth and children to mentor, help and encourage especially those who are vulnerable. disadvantaged, disabled or lack the opportunity to reach their goals, dreams and aspirations due to poor access to quality education and good mentorship. Nanbol has participated actively in Youth Initiative programs and other international outreaches such as International Missions Opportunities (IMO).
He holds a Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry an is currently pursuing his Master's degree in the same discipline. He is naturally adorned with good qualities of leadership, management of finance, projects and events. His interpersonal communication and social skills are quite commendable as well. He hopes to build people so that the world becomes a better place for you and me.